Should I Be On Google Plus?

Should I Be On Google Plus?

Written by Wayne R. Karlins President of Reed Social Media Group. LLC

There is no reason not to be part of the Google Family.  You have Google Maps, Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Wallet, My Business, Google Earth, and more.

If you are a blogger or website owner, here is something you should know! You need to be on Google Plus. We believe Google ranks content from their own sites higher than from other platform content like Facebook or LinkedIn. You should know Google is still very much supporting Google Plus. Additionally, it is estimated that there are over 500 million people on Google Plus.

You will increase how easy it will be to be found on Google by using Google Plus. Imagine the impact this can have as a blogger! Your blogs will be found faster. The more you use Google Plus the more Google sees you as a source to promote in their searches.

If you are already using a Google service like Gmail, you already have a Google Plus page. But you need to set it up to be useful. It is important to fill in all the information they offer you. Like LinkedIn it is important to have a professional headshot on your Google Plus page. Do not leave the large cover picture blank.

The more active you are, the stronger your Google Plus will be. But understand, like other sites, if you are a small business, post less. We are not all "Pepsi" who can post 7 days a week 7 times a day. It is possible to post too much.

As I have mentioned in my other blogs, posting is the start, but if you want to get noticed, it is a two way street. Give the people in circles as well as the people you like a plus one to let them know you liked their post or leave a comment. If someone comments on your post or leaves you a plus one, add them to your circle.

Like all other platforms, connections are a must. Find people you know who in turn will follow you back to build your circles. Other platforms may call them followers and fans.

I am a believer that if run correctly, most social media platforms are good for business. You should take a look at where your clients are the most before choosing which one to start with. The effects of social media are not something business owners can afford to overlook and if you do not have the time to do it yourself you should be looking into a management company like Reed Social Media Group who has a hands-on approach to fully managing your page, not just posting and leaving your page before checking and doing everything needed to manage your page correctly for you. (Even if Google Plus is not your first choice as a social media platform, it is a platform that should be considered as you grow to more platforms, especially for bloggers and content creators.

Check out our website to learn more about how we can help you manage your pages.

Other Services: Fully managing your Social Media Pages, Ghost blogging, editing your blog's, writing content for your Newsletters and for your website so you keep your own SEO on the top. Creating or updating websites, Logo Creation, Graphic Design, Marketing your business, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and, helping you set up your advertising on Facebook and Google AdWords!  

Do you have questions or comments for me?

Feel free to email me at for questions or request a consult. Please leave us a message and a "like" on our website on this blog.

Follow Reed Social Media Group on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Twitter, and Pinterest. New on Facebook, check out Socially Focused Fan page and like it.

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