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Make Yourself Relevant


Are you making yourself relevant on your social media pages? Are you being real, current, and socially focused, or are you just talking about you, your business, and marketing in each and every post?

We have talked about posting before. If all your posts are about one thing, especially if you're talking about yourself, business, and selling ads in every post, you are going to lose more people than you will ever add.

Most, if not all social media pages have a place to market and sell your services and products. In fact, most of them make their largest profits on selling you these ads. So, if you're going to advertise your business, that is where you should do it.

Ads in your post can work if you post less than 10% of them on your pages, where a real post should go. Social media pages have given you a place to post on your personal page (i.e. Wayne Karlins is my personal Facebook page). Your business (Fan) page (i.e. Reed Social Media is my business page), is for articles, videos, sharing great content, and yes, occasionally mention what you can do for others personally or as a business.

You must think about what your followers want from you. No matter how pretty and well-crafted your media people make it, do you really think all they want to hear is about your products and services, while seeing ad after ad,? If they wanted to see ad after ad, they would still be reading a newspaper.

Once your followers realize that is what you're doing, your likes, shares, comments, views, and impression all start going down, unless of course, that is all you have ever done, in which case, the only likes you are probably getting are from your employees you asked to like the post and maybe the company who is managing your social media. You must understand your follower's needs and post that content before you ever considering posting ads.

Now, there are things you can do to market your business on social media pages. Always include your website URL and give all the information about you and your business in the "About You" section or if the social media site has a place for it elsewhere.

Make sure on your website you link all your social media pages back to each platform (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).

Additionally, make sure each platform you are using adds value to your followers with valuable content. Adding upcoming events, videos, and blogs. Sharing valuable content will bring you more followers and paying customers into your establishment.

Don't stop there. Once you get your followers liking, sharing, and commenting, make sure you reach back to them, so they see there is a real person and company making these posts and of course reading what they have said or shared. When possible, like or share something of theirs back. Pay attention to what gets the most likes, shares, and comments, and give your followers more content like that.

Here is another way you can market on your posts. When you post a blog, article, or video you made, it is always a good idea to boast or sponsor your post when it is original content. It is a good idea to use hashtags. We will talk more about hashtags in another post.

My number one reason for not recommending posting ads on your page is your followers are coming to pages asking, "What's in it for me?" They want great content, ideas, and help to feel good and even laugh. If you need to advertise, think of this instead of an ad; Make an offer of something free you can provide such as a free eBook, a discount code they can use when visiting you, a free trial offer, etc.

Back to advertising on social media.

Social media advertising has many advantages. However, you should know that it is tougher than ever to get your ad noticed. I have said for many years, you should start with organic posting, build your followers, and then think about running your ads. Why? Most people do not buy from an ad they have seen for the first time or from someone they do not know. If you have spent 3 to 6 months posting organically and building your followers, you will no longer be that stranger and your ad will be more likely to be seen.

Here are a few ideas of topics that are great for posting on a business page:

  • You're why (aka, what is your why for being in business?)

  • Industry trends

  • Goals

  • Objectives

  • Your own blogs

  • Your own videos

  • Helpful DIY ideas


Check out our website to learn more about how we can help you manage your pages.

Other Services: Ghost blogging, editing your blog's, writing content for your newsletters or website so you keep your own SEO on the top. We manage or updating websites. Wanting to get your business on radio or TV, our marketing department is ready to move you to the next level. Contact us!

Do you have questions or comments for me?

Feel free to email me at for questions or advice on social media or leave us a message and a like on our website under this blog.

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